About Us Indian Community in Azerbaijan

Indian Community

The Indian community in Azerbaijan comprises of about 1457 persons, including professionals employed with international companies in the oil and gas sectors, businessmen engaged in commodities trading, catering and restaurant business  construction workers on short-term contracts and students. There are four Indian  associations,  viz.,  Indian  Association  Azerbaijan  (IAA),  Baku  Malyalee  Association (BMA), Baku Tamil Sangam (BTS) and Azerbaijan Telugu Association (ATA), which work in close association with the Embassy of India in Baku. They regularly hold social events to celebrate major Indian festivals and events. The Indian community which is in the 4th/5th place in Azerbaijan, in terms of numerical strength, is very active both professionally and socially and has integrated well with the local population.

Contact detail of the Indian Associations:

Indian Association Azerbaijan (IAA)
Mr. Jai Dalwani
Indian Association Azerbaijan (IAA)
Mob/Wa: +994-55-5550001
Email: presidentofIAA@gmail.com 

Baku  Malyalee  Association (BMA)

Mr. Praveen Kumar
President BMA
Mob. No. +994 50 270 31 06
email : bakubma@gmail.com 

Mr. Nikhilesh Komban
Secretary BMA
Mob. No. +994 50 707 38 32
email: bakubma@gmail.com 

Baku Tamil Sangam (BTS)
1. Mr Babu Sahib - President of BTS
Mobile: +994503656424


2. Mr. Mahadevan Marthanda Pillai
 -Vice President of BTS
Azerbaijan Telugu Association(ATA)

President: Mr. Sampath Kumar Parvataneni,+994 77 2191599

Secretary: Mr. Pradeep Lella

EC Member: Mrs. Srujana Chandra, +994 70 6169393

E-mail: atainbaku@gmail.com 


 Indian Student Association Azerbaijan (ISAA)

President :- Anu Hariharan, +994-515167213,anuhariharan2@gmail.com

Vice President:- Merin K Joshy, +994-555806865, merink.joshy@gmail.com

General Secretary:- Vismaya Victoria Win, +994-559208678, victoriawin3171@gmail.com

Treasurer:- Jean P Jaimson, +994-708799730, jeanjameskp@gmail.com


January 2023